Services I provide

Dog walking, stretching legs, making friends and fetching balls
- Individual walks or group walks option up to 5 dogs at a time.
- Your dog will be walked for as long as the time that you requested if that time slot is available.
- If your dog doesn't have full recall I will use a 10 metre long line so your dog is able to walk with freedom whilst still under control.
- If your dog is aggressive I recommend booking a solo walk, If your dog is aggressive to people they must be muzzled.

Pet sitting, overnight stays and days at your house
- Overnight day care at your home to keep your pet stress free in there own environment. - This service includes all day and overnight until 8am the next morning and a 1 - 2 hour walk per day per pet is included.
- The price for this service is for 1 or more pets, any extra pets will be discounted price.
- Your pet will be left unattended for a maximum of 2 hours throughout one day if needed.

Pop-ins, regular feedings, toilet breaks or medicine administration
- Short pop in’s to check up, feed, let outside, give medicine or even play with.
- Checking up on your pet throughout the day as many times as needed for up to an hour.

Doggy daycare or holiday boarding
- Enjoy your holiday, weekend trip or even just a day out without worrying about your pet being locked in a kennels.
- This service means long trips can be enjoyed whilst your pet is at home safe,
- Holiday boarding provides a 1-2 hour walk per pet per day and this price covers 1 or more pets any extra pets will be a discounted price.
- Daycare makes sure your pet has company and attention all day whilst you are busy.
- This will allow your pet to have a stress free day without being all alone.
- This service includes a one 1 hour walk during the day and all your pets needs provide for them.
- Your pet will be left unattended for a maximum of 2 hours throughout the day if needed.